By finding yourself here you’ve already taken your first step towards change.

Therapy is an opportunity to asses the areas of your life that are and are not working. It provides a welcoming and non-judgmental space to gain self-insight, develop new practical every day strategies and to create a greater sense of peace in your life.

I believe our emotional health is strongly influenced by three primary areas: our thoughts and feelings, our behaviors and actions and our interpersonal relationships. When we assess these areas we often better understand the sources of our struggles and how we might want to proceed towards change.

Do you recognize yourself in any of these statements?

  • I work very hard but rarely give myself much credit for my accomplishments

  • I often lack clarity and confidence in my decisions and often second guess myself

  • I often worry about the worst possible outcomes

  • I struggle to extend myself the self-compassion and understanding I give others

I help clients tackle self doubt and live with more clarity and self-assurance. I am an encouraging and pragmatic guide that offers patience, acceptance and an evidence based approach that provides highly effective outcomes.